Episode 59 “Don’t Be a Hero” March 25, 2020March 24, 2020Chris Fasano We are living through scary, unprecedented times. People are sick, dying, losing their jobs, working from home, all while watching and home schooling [...]
Episode 58 “Coronavirus & Kids” March 3, 2020March 13, 2020Chris Fasano The spread of the coronavirus across the world has everyone on high alert for good reason. Never have we watched something like this [...]
Episode 57 “Screen Time Hysteria?” February 6, 2020February 6, 2020Chris Fasano Screen time is the number one topic I get asked about, in particular, is too much bad for my kid . While the [...]
Episode 56 “Anxious or Shy?” January 22, 2020January 21, 2020Chris Fasano Is your child anxious or just shy? If you have ever thought about this, you are not alone. A lot people have asked [...]
Episode 55 “It Starts With You” January 3, 2020January 2, 2020Chris Fasano It all Starts With You. No one else. In this new year 2020, let us all take some time to focus on ourselves [...]
Episode 54 “Video Game Strategies” December 10, 2019December 9, 2019Chris Fasano It has finally happened for me…I am about to enter the world of being a parent of a kid with a video game [...]
Episode 53 “Be More Thankful” November 27, 2019January 21, 2020Chris Fasano Thankful and Thanksgiving go hand in hand, so on Episode 53 we discuss ways to be more thankful. We live in a fast [...]
Episode 52 “Year In Review- What I’ve Learned” November 12, 2019November 12, 2019Chris Fasano Episode 52 marks the one year anniversary of this show, and I want to thank everyone that has joined me on this journey. [...]
Episode 51 “Tylenol and Autism” November 4, 2019November 3, 2019Chris Fasano A new study was has caused quite a stir in the national news and on social media reporting an association between taking Tyelnol [...]
“Self-Confident Kids” Episode 50 October 24, 2019October 23, 2019Chris Fasano The world is becoming an increasingly judgmental place. That, coupled with rising depression and anxiety rates , can lead to a mentally unstable [...]