Suicide: It Can Happen to Your Kids August 27, 2019August 27, 2019Chris Fasano September is back to school and maybe coincidentally, suicide awareness month. I don’t just say that off the cuff, the incidences of suicide [...]
Episode 43 “Our Kids Are Not OK” August 22, 2019September 3, 2019Chris Fasano Our kids are not OK…if you don’t believe me, believe the numbers that are coming out regarding kids mental health, depression, loneliness, and [...]
In an Instagram World, Teach Self-Compassion August 16, 2019September 3, 2019Chris Fasano I read an interesting article the other day on why we should forget about teaching and focusing on self-esteem and start focusing more [...]
Your Child’s Brain Is Wiring- Make Sure it Does So Correctly August 4, 2019September 3, 2019Chris Fasano People ask me a lot about how the brain “works” and I often smile before taking a deep breath and answering. The simplest [...]
Episode 40 “Mental Health Days Off” August 1, 2019August 2, 2019Chris Fasano There has been a lot of news around a bill recently passed in the state of Oregon that would allow students to take [...]
More Evidence Pets Benefit Mental Health July 28, 2019July 30, 2019Chris Fasano On Episode 12 of my podcast I discussed ways that having a pet can positively affect our mental health. While I don’t have [...]
Are Productivity Apps Anti-Productive? 4 Questions Answered. July 28, 2019July 30, 2019Chris Fasano Recently I was asked about productivity apps and my thoughts on how effective they can be. When it comes to technology to keep [...]
Episode 38 “Family Vacations” July 17, 2019August 2, 2019Chris Fasano Research shows that Family Vacations are excellent for a child’s development and mental health. Thinking back on my childhood, I have countless memories [...]
Episode 36 “Resilience” ft. Dr. Deborah Gilboa July 1, 2019August 29, 2019Chris Fasano Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. As a parent I struggle with this with my kid. When [...]
Episode 34 “Darkness of Comedy” ft. Paul Gilmartin June 18, 2019August 29, 2019Chris Fasano Laughter is indeed the best medicine, but what is it about the comedic mind then lends itself to darkness? Many comedians suffer from [...]